In 2013, TMVA was completely integrated into ROOT and is now released as part of it. The new official home can be found at the ROOT website (here).
- 2013:
- Last public release on sourceforge. The ROOT team of CERN adopted codebase and maintenance responsibility.
- 2014-2015:
- TMVA development on hiatus. Used throughout high-energy physics.
- 2016-2018:
- Development of TMVA rekindled. New features include
- Deep neural network implementation (with support for convolutional and recurrent networks)
- Better integration with industry tools (R/python/keras).
- Integration with Jupyter notebooks
- Support for cross validation and hyper parameter optimisation
- Parallelisation of the framework
- 2019-onwards:
- The ROOT/TMVA team will proudly continue developments to support high-energy physics research.
Redistribution and use of TMVA in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in the
BSD license.