System requirements:
TMVA has been tested to run on Linux, MAC/OSX and Windows platforms.
Running TMVA requires the availability of ROOT shared libraries with ROOT_VERSION >= 5.14
(type "root-config --version" to see the version installed)
Getting Started:
How to compile the code:
/home> cd TMVA
/home/TMVA> make # compile and build the library lib/
How to run the code as ROOT macro: # training/testing of an academic example
/home/TMVA> cd test
/home/TMVA/test> source # setup script must be exectuted before running macros (use setup.csh for c-shell)
--- For classification:
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVAClassification.C # run all standard classifiers (takes a while)
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVAClassification.C\(\"LD,Likelihood\"\) # run LD and Likelihood classifiers
--- For regression:
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVARegression.C # run all regression algorithms n(takes a while)
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVARegression.C\(\"LD,KNN\"\) # run LD and k-NN regression algorithms
--> at the end of the jobs, a GUI will pop up: try to click through all the buttons;
some of the lower buttons are method-specific, and will only work when the
corresponding classifiers/regression algorithms have been trained/tested before
(unless they are greyed out)
How to run the code as an executable:
/home/TMVA/test> make
/home/TMVA/test> ./TMVAClassification # run all standard classifiers
/home/TMVA/test> ./TMVAClassification LD Likelihood # run LD and Likelihood classifiers
... and similarly for regression
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVAGui.C # start the GUI
How to run the code as an python script using PyROOT:
/home/TMVA/test> make
/home/TMVA/test> python ./ --method LD,Likelihood
How to apply the TMVA methods:
/home/TMVA> cd test
--- For classification:
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVAClassificationApplication.C
/home/TMVA/test> root -l TMVAClassificationApplication.C\(\"LD,Likelihood\"\)
... and similar for regression.
... and similar for executables.
The directory structure:
inc/ : the TMVA class headers
src/ : the TMVA class source
lib/ : here you'll find the TMVA library ( after compilation
test/ : example code for analysis macros and executables, the GUI and analysis scripts.